Sunday 11 December 2011

summer classes

hello !! I write about having summer classes ....
I can not even believe we are in class, I find it hard to believe and accept it even more so as well, after all the movement I feel that society just enjoy the show, superficially ... and now it's like all relapsed into indifference. I am surprised how people adapt almost by inertia without causing any change in them. For me it is terrible for me to be in class because no class in itself, but because the heat in the rooms along with the schedule and the enthusiasm of the teachers kill anyone.
I for my part I was cautious and decided not to take classes on Monday in view of the approaching holidays and the consequences of these. Although one hand is very nice "share" this time with my friends.
Hopefully the movement will continue and that people do not settle for a future in this sinister world where the only thing that matters to most is to crush the other.
I encourage all my classmates.

Friday 17 June 2011


  Hello everyone, well today I talk about my favorite artist.
  Like some post I saw over thereI think to choose one is very difficult, especially in our field is so subjective. for this reason I decided to choose based on the contribution that developed this artist in the history of art.
  Well I chose Leonardo da Vinci one of the most famous artists of the Renaissance. The first thing to note is the development of Da Vinci in the arts and science.

The many drawings preserved of Leonardo reveal  its technical perfection and mastery in the study of human anatomy, animals and plants.

   In addition to being an artist and scientist was an engineer, inventor, architect, sculptor, architect, urban planner, botanist, musician, poet, philosopher and writer, was the one who designed the helicopter, submarine, diver water, the pipes of the city and parachute. Leonardo was recognized in his time as a genius.

  What I like most is that this artist had a deep love of knowledge, beyond the fame or the money to develop things to make a real contribution to the society of his time.

  Between the qualities include the innovative painting techniques he used, for example; the sense of composition and subtle use of color hazy, deep knowledge of human and animal anatomy, the use of light, the ability to reflect the way humans use emotions and gestural expressions. All these qualities are brought together in works like the Mona Lisa, Last Supper and The Virgin of the Rocks.

Saturday 4 June 2011

well first of all, about to food, it's true what our teacher says there is so much information and nothing is positive, the company "monsanto"is really monstrous, well there is a well-known documentary Marie Monique Robin based on his book "The World According to Monsanto. "

An interesting fact is that the company sells 90% of transgenic crop in the world and among its greatest achievements is the production of the chemical Agent Orange, the devastating pesticide used by the U.S. in the Vietnam War.
Well but what I wanted to comment today is with regard to drugs, was covering a story unknown but beautiful and lasted less than a "candy. " SAG authorization for cultivation cannabis for medicinal use. While the end was not concrete because the Institute of Public Health rejected the project was the best news I've seen in my life.
For a moment I thought everyone had realized that many of the evils associated with marijuana are actually a result of the prohibition, rather than the drug itself, particularly the social damages resulting from the arrests and detentions to Like the thousands of problems associated with drug trafficking.

This leave a very very good documental about the beautiful story of marijuana and especially the business that lies behind the prohibition of these beautiful and well-known plants. The real drug dealers are those that protect and support this law because they make money and become rich at the expense of the people, without distinction between social classes, age or sex.
well this drug topic goes a long way so hopefully interest them.

Friday 27 May 2011


Today I am going to talk about eh Poverty, the poverty commonly understood as "material Shortage".  I think today is Not Really That, is not defined by the "materially" is the Lack of affection, of working conditions. Etc.

Recently I started working on the "Fundacion para la superacion de la pobreza" and I realized tutorships of the children in the poorest districts of Santiago. Where we have segment with children between 7 and 9 years of unincorporated families without materials to work, which have principaly incredible emotional needs but also have many things to give, and I think that is where the issue should be focused on overcoming of human poverty, education, in order to capture the capabilities and skills of the people called poor just because they can not afford to survive with more than 170,000 of month .

I think university is as essential to understand our role in society beyond throwing stones to express anger against our society must we begin to act, we live an opportunity to receive a quality higher education and Have the Opportunity to share our
​​knowledge and time to solidarity fair Chile to build free of poverty. "

I like that everyone could live experience how are you, really we realize that we are superficial at times, it is not going through life experiencing the suffering of others, but if you do something for them.  stop worrying and start dealing.

Friday 20 May 2011


Well today I'm going to comment on my favorite photographs and uqe is impossible for me to choose just one. Because since I have many pictures and I have become addicted to this last time the subject of photography.
The first picture I want to talk is an image where I go with my family on a beach in Coquimbo. But this photo has “proportion aurea”, does not have good color good characteristics of paper, etc. I would even say it could apply to the worst picture of the world. Even that is one of the reasons why I love it. In this picture I was 5 or 6 years and with me is my dad, my mom and my brother playing with stupid face. I don’t  know  who  takes  this photo. Well this picture for me is very important to me and brings back many memories I sometimes look, and I'm very happy.Another picture I want to mention is a picture where I go with my best friend, well, just because now I do not see much and really miss her, I hope to see you soon and take more pictures as beautiful as this and also needed to complete the 230 words That is the finally essence of photography able to bring to mind memories sharp, good and bad. Or just cause a break in the emotional stability of human

Saturday 7 May 2011

London calling

This post is about the organization of my supposed trip to London, though London not this one inside my priorities to travel I believe that this activity on the places that he would visit in London, his prices and location is a very good option for not to take surprises and to have a good trip, but for my part to the moment to travel always I leave the things at random and the information with which I go belongs always to persons who have been in the places, I believe that it is a good way to leave the things at random though also it is possible to transform in a nightmare (though I have very good experiences).

 Other factors that are very important of knowing previously are the climate, the political situation and the conditions of health of the destination. They are indispensable factors to bearing in mind since to choose well the season and to consult the meteorological condition will save surprises and in addition it will help to do the baggage. 

 Well , anyway I believe that the secret of any good trip is the capacity of adjustment to the place visited of the best way and know how to overcome the unforeseen ones with the maximum creativity.

Friday 29 April 2011


My favorite website is Porlaputa, one of the most viewed pages in Chile, is a blog where people can send their post and depending on the editor's sense of humor, can be published. For example images, memes, videos, music etc. etc.

Thanks to this site were made ​​popular characters of urban folklore, as well as phrases and slang understood only by those who visit this siteI visit this website every day, is a funny way to take things that happen in Chile and the world .

I found this site about 1 year and has really become a vice but as it is an escape not only for me but for many people who work or study and want a little distracting during the day, killing some time in english classes or after a long and tiring day
My other favorite website  is the blog of the journal Neo 2 is a Spanish magazine that comes to Chile but is very expensive, then this blog is the parallel option, since it is almost digital paper magazine, I love this page and all reporting on trends, music, art, fashion, decor, food, free downloads, etc.

Friday 15 April 2011


I really don’t like the technology, but every day I wonder more.  The technological object without which I can’t live it’s my telephone though the technology is not advanced because it is a very old model, for me it is really useful and sometimes even I do not think life without it.

Recently, to attract my attention the telephones so called "touch" as they are multifaceted and even gave me a little afraid to do so many things. I think is very helpful to have music, internet, camera, recorder, etc, etc.
My other favorite technological object is my iPod, thanks to my memory capacity to store thousands of songs, photographs and videos; also everything is very orderly through iTunes.

Recently I got a Nintendo DS XL but I'm not really a fan of Nintendo games that I've become addicted and when play I do not realize how quickly time passes. It has really amazing applications like to put fire in an adventure game, you must blow into the microphone :/ .
Personally I feel a bit scared as technology advances so fast, and I'm still young in the prime of my life I’m amazed these things "Transformers", I believe that before long more I start to believe in the theories of
spying through these objects

Friday 8 April 2011

My favorite movie

Hi !

!Today I will talk about my favorite movie, “Big fish ” this film  is a 2003  directed by Tim Burton. And starring for Ewan McGregor ( ♥ ), the film would be directed by Steven Spielberg before Tim Burton will be in charge of the project, after death of his father.
The film received four nominations for Golden Globes and an Oscar nomination.

This film tells the story of a man who has told his life story to his son throughout his life. Old and very sick and almost of death, his son who has always doubt do the stories he tells his father. To finds out about these stories that it was all real.

I think it's a beautiful film, especially reminded me of my father, I think sometimes we do not value the stories our parents tell us  we think they are boring or sometimes a little fantastics,  but if they are real or not experiences or lessons there are leave us and help us in our lives.

I recommend this movie absolutely, I crying a lot of hours its really beautiful, I hope to see those who have not had the opportunity to do seen and appreciate more old people because always they have something interesting to say.

Friday 1 April 2011

Shamanic flight

 Last summer for the third time I visited San Pedro de Atacama,  my favorite place in the world. This time, however I was working as a waitress, even so I could go to “santos carnavales ”errant small parties , carried from house to house in different ayllus, which are prepared with a year in advance and made at least 7 weeks before holy week which is why if a person is not the area will be difficult to know exactly what day and where it is.
this is one of the most deeply rooted traditions of this area and is developed in two stages: first is the chaya in which they dance, sing “coplas” and throw flour .The second stage is the  abandonment
of house, here are three central characters, which are represented by men chosen by neighborhood: Mr. carnival, Mrs. carnival and the secretary.
To finish the Pujillay is buried, an ancient god of mythology Quechua that symbolizes prosperity and abundance, embodied in a doll are buried by invoking the Pachamama.
But are many tourists and locals go only  to drink  "aloha" . is a tradition that is worth living, but with respect and that many people go and do not capture the real meaning of this tradition.

who I am :S

My name is Umi , I am a student of history and theory of art. I like going out dancing and drinking, but sometimes I have attacks of responsibility and study.

I love the mornings when the parties end, afternoons with tesito,  and make amigurumis (Japanese technique for crocheting stuffed animals).  Sometimes I have the gift to play melodica.