Friday 29 April 2011


My favorite website is Porlaputa, one of the most viewed pages in Chile, is a blog where people can send their post and depending on the editor's sense of humor, can be published. For example images, memes, videos, music etc. etc.

Thanks to this site were made ​​popular characters of urban folklore, as well as phrases and slang understood only by those who visit this siteI visit this website every day, is a funny way to take things that happen in Chile and the world .

I found this site about 1 year and has really become a vice but as it is an escape not only for me but for many people who work or study and want a little distracting during the day, killing some time in english classes or after a long and tiring day
My other favorite website  is the blog of the journal Neo 2 is a Spanish magazine that comes to Chile but is very expensive, then this blog is the parallel option, since it is almost digital paper magazine, I love this page and all reporting on trends, music, art, fashion, decor, food, free downloads, etc.


  1. Good choice!, I thought write about this web site too =)

  2. I love porlaputa too! <3 is the best website for distract us
