Friday 27 May 2011


Today I am going to talk about eh Poverty, the poverty commonly understood as "material Shortage".  I think today is Not Really That, is not defined by the "materially" is the Lack of affection, of working conditions. Etc.

Recently I started working on the "Fundacion para la superacion de la pobreza" and I realized tutorships of the children in the poorest districts of Santiago. Where we have segment with children between 7 and 9 years of unincorporated families without materials to work, which have principaly incredible emotional needs but also have many things to give, and I think that is where the issue should be focused on overcoming of human poverty, education, in order to capture the capabilities and skills of the people called poor just because they can not afford to survive with more than 170,000 of month .

I think university is as essential to understand our role in society beyond throwing stones to express anger against our society must we begin to act, we live an opportunity to receive a quality higher education and Have the Opportunity to share our
​​knowledge and time to solidarity fair Chile to build free of poverty. "

I like that everyone could live experience how are you, really we realize that we are superficial at times, it is not going through life experiencing the suffering of others, but if you do something for them.  stop worrying and start dealing.

Friday 20 May 2011


Well today I'm going to comment on my favorite photographs and uqe is impossible for me to choose just one. Because since I have many pictures and I have become addicted to this last time the subject of photography.
The first picture I want to talk is an image where I go with my family on a beach in Coquimbo. But this photo has “proportion aurea”, does not have good color good characteristics of paper, etc. I would even say it could apply to the worst picture of the world. Even that is one of the reasons why I love it. In this picture I was 5 or 6 years and with me is my dad, my mom and my brother playing with stupid face. I don’t  know  who  takes  this photo. Well this picture for me is very important to me and brings back many memories I sometimes look, and I'm very happy.Another picture I want to mention is a picture where I go with my best friend, well, just because now I do not see much and really miss her, I hope to see you soon and take more pictures as beautiful as this and also needed to complete the 230 words That is the finally essence of photography able to bring to mind memories sharp, good and bad. Or just cause a break in the emotional stability of human

Saturday 7 May 2011

London calling

This post is about the organization of my supposed trip to London, though London not this one inside my priorities to travel I believe that this activity on the places that he would visit in London, his prices and location is a very good option for not to take surprises and to have a good trip, but for my part to the moment to travel always I leave the things at random and the information with which I go belongs always to persons who have been in the places, I believe that it is a good way to leave the things at random though also it is possible to transform in a nightmare (though I have very good experiences).

 Other factors that are very important of knowing previously are the climate, the political situation and the conditions of health of the destination. They are indispensable factors to bearing in mind since to choose well the season and to consult the meteorological condition will save surprises and in addition it will help to do the baggage. 

 Well , anyway I believe that the secret of any good trip is the capacity of adjustment to the place visited of the best way and know how to overcome the unforeseen ones with the maximum creativity.