Wednesday 31 October 2012

Post 6

My favorite artist is Roberto Matta, I like it because, lets us into their world, and so discovering ours, each differently, and that does not have formal aspects but it is an escape.  I also like how they use the line, quite distant from the rhetoric of color, material and paint.I like that it is found in the theory that we are all one, we all complement each other and vice versa.
"It is a laboratory job that lets delve into the depths of his inner world and, at the same time, the relationship between self and other," said Gaspar Galaz Milan Ivelice and at some point in his book Historia de la plástica chilena.
 It is trying to find mine in the other to "uncover and reveal what is hidden in the depth of being, or covered with a crust of reality forged in lies, prejudices, hypocrisy and fear."The constant in his work is the appearance of a character-observer, absent to be discovered. witness what happens to people and nature.
Often his particular attention to nature leads him to put in a secondary to their characters or void your presence. Then arise spheres, disks, spirals, planes, in close morphological relationship with the plant kingdom, but amplified.
In his later years, Matta was fascinated with the expressive possibilities of the computer. Experiencing as an apprentice-octogenarian, the artist made several digital works. He received the National Art Award in 1990 and it is as if he had never died

Saturday 27 October 2012

Post 7 : How green are you

Today I’m talking about the ecology, my relation with the planet is thinking all time, "our planet", because really here live my sons.  I try not to throw trash on the street, collecting rainwater for my garden, or give the water of my pets for use in the e trees or garden. I feel very proud that my father has left me a large yard with many trees, including a Maqui, a pair of oranges, plums, apricots and others. I have also a garden with herbs and basic spices.
I have also discovered things more interesting like the white color of toweling cause uterine cancer in 10 years of use, so do to made my own toweling’s and is much more comfortable and secure.
I use the bike when a beginning the university, I love it, but to get around to leave Santiago but after leave because died of fright of unscrupulous drivers.
 I for one , don’t  believed in any environmental organization because not trust in the distribution of recourses and I think if we had more conscience each person not need these institutions, I would like each person to really  how to care and contribute to relive our planet, with simple things and entertaining. I once saw in a country as poor water bottles used to capture the sun and then illuminate their home overnight. With things so much we could improve our quality of life and stop dependent   of the invents the government.

Friday 5 October 2012

Post 5 : A Career-related Article

Today I will comment an article of the website , this article is about  a group of artists who develop experimental works based on audience reaction. The last work of this group and what they want to say today is a intervention which creates a driving rain in the Barbican Gallery through an experiment carefully planned
Rain room is an area of one hundred square meters and the water falls as rain , but  it is possible to walk through the sample hoping that it will not result out the soaked in the end of the experiment. According creative artists as people move through the sound of water and the wetness fill the air, even before you experience the carefully choreographed downpour that responds to your movements and presence. Water-controlled ceramic pieces, valves, pressure regulators, custom software, 3D camera and the water management system

This work seems very striking given the complexity of the system and the association between art and science more closely, is working together to relate the aesthetic experience, personal experience and corporal experience.
Many artists have found inspiration in the rain during the last period, in this context I would like share the web site that I find quite nice, where you can attach the sound of rain on a song that is the link to the song.  For me this idea is really great because you can get recreated experience the same feelings, based on a sound

Thursday 4 October 2012

Unforgettable Holidays

Post 3

Today I will comment about my unforgettable holidays. My best holidays was the summer of 2009 in Temuco specifically in Padre las Casas, but I have family there and I always go in the summer, that summer was unforgettable specifically as much enjoyment with my family, who had gathered to celebrate the birth of my little cousin.

One of the things that were memorable for me was being able to share a lot with my grandfather, not thinking about other things and slowly approach him, in a little space in which he also managed to understand how I lived in Santiago.

We spent two months with him fantastic as I leave his cows the river which despite being over 30 my grandfather achieved only by differentiating identify stains. So we enjoyed drinking wine or simply spent hours talking about things that are incomprehensible for such as computers, Internet, etc. I also totally adapted to achieve particular way of life in the south so it worked on the land, helped in the tracks, I was feeding animals, etc.

It is for this reason that I believe were unforgettable because through my grandfather achieved completely disconnect and think about the simplest things and live well like my grandfather enjoying every day of the field and simple life

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Post 2 - Social media

Today I will talk about social media, differentiating them from the mass media, which are losing every day the central role in the communication and media tools and have become a direct relationship between businesses and consumers. Born so new forms of relationship through infinite media dependent interaction increasingly close and accessible to all, but also we must not forget that we fall into a game ontrolado by big business and the media, as has revealed the CIA maintains an operations center dedicated to the collection and analysis of all the talk in social networks
I only use facebook and really not much, I use that to be a social environment should include me in game or sadly risked losing communication with some people.
In my opinion this is unfortunate because every day is subtly reinforces the idea of the great utility of facebook, repeatedly mentioning and making virtual life acquires more importance than real.
I also use this blog but it is only for academic but still seems a good means of communication. sometimes also used youtube to watch music videos and also flicker and I can see the pictures of my friends and other people in an excellent quality.