Friday, 17 June 2011


  Hello everyone, well today I talk about my favorite artist.
  Like some post I saw over thereI think to choose one is very difficult, especially in our field is so subjective. for this reason I decided to choose based on the contribution that developed this artist in the history of art.
  Well I chose Leonardo da Vinci one of the most famous artists of the Renaissance. The first thing to note is the development of Da Vinci in the arts and science.

The many drawings preserved of Leonardo reveal  its technical perfection and mastery in the study of human anatomy, animals and plants.

   In addition to being an artist and scientist was an engineer, inventor, architect, sculptor, architect, urban planner, botanist, musician, poet, philosopher and writer, was the one who designed the helicopter, submarine, diver water, the pipes of the city and parachute. Leonardo was recognized in his time as a genius.

  What I like most is that this artist had a deep love of knowledge, beyond the fame or the money to develop things to make a real contribution to the society of his time.

  Between the qualities include the innovative painting techniques he used, for example; the sense of composition and subtle use of color hazy, deep knowledge of human and animal anatomy, the use of light, the ability to reflect the way humans use emotions and gestural expressions. All these qualities are brought together in works like the Mona Lisa, Last Supper and The Virgin of the Rocks.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

well first of all, about to food, it's true what our teacher says there is so much information and nothing is positive, the company "monsanto"is really monstrous, well there is a well-known documentary Marie Monique Robin based on his book "The World According to Monsanto. "

An interesting fact is that the company sells 90% of transgenic crop in the world and among its greatest achievements is the production of the chemical Agent Orange, the devastating pesticide used by the U.S. in the Vietnam War.
Well but what I wanted to comment today is with regard to drugs, was covering a story unknown but beautiful and lasted less than a "candy. " SAG authorization for cultivation cannabis for medicinal use. While the end was not concrete because the Institute of Public Health rejected the project was the best news I've seen in my life.
For a moment I thought everyone had realized that many of the evils associated with marijuana are actually a result of the prohibition, rather than the drug itself, particularly the social damages resulting from the arrests and detentions to Like the thousands of problems associated with drug trafficking.

This leave a very very good documental about the beautiful story of marijuana and especially the business that lies behind the prohibition of these beautiful and well-known plants. The real drug dealers are those that protect and support this law because they make money and become rich at the expense of the people, without distinction between social classes, age or sex.
well this drug topic goes a long way so hopefully interest them.